Tuesday, 20 May 2014

Methylated Spirits Cleaning.

Methylated spirits is a raw alcohol and menthol. The menthol gives it a strong smell and taste, so it isn't mistaken for water.

Aside the use of Methylated spirits to disinfect living tissues you can also use it to do some home cleaning.

It is a great solvent for paints, so it removes ink,felt pen marks etc and is also a great all-purpose cleaner.

To clean windows,mixing it 50/50 with water and spraying the solution on windows. Wipe the solution off using a clean towels – rubbing vertically for outside and horizontally for the interior panes. Don’t use newspaper

Methylated spirits is also great for cleaning white boards, even if you've used a permanent marker on the board, just dampen the surface and wipe it over the board, then use paper towel to polish it off.

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