Monday 29 July 2013

Tips for your Kitchen

There can be millions of pathogens (disease-causing germs) clinging to the sink, the seal of the drain and the rubber gasket around the garbage disposal. While proper cooking lowers your chance of food borne illness, germs like salmonella, which lives in much of the chicken you bring home, can linger in your sink after you wash the food that contains it. Touch your face after touching the sink and you've just spread the germs.

What to do: Clean your sink immediately after rinsing raw meat, veggies and pet bowls and once a day even when you don’t wash food or pet dishes. Spray a disinfectant which kills most bacteria and viruses, on the faucet, sink sides, sink bottom and sink strainers. Don’t just wipe and go. Leave the product on the surface for the contact time recommended on the label.

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