Monday, 9 June 2014

Living Room Flooring Considerations, Tiles, Carpets and Rugs

The living room is an inherently social space, a place that is on display for guests and friends, but also acts as a gathering area for all members of the household. It is where people come together to talk, share, and connect with one another based around shared interests and amicable interactions. Since the floor is such a large and important part of the room’s ambiance, there are certain factors that you have to consider when choosing a material.

Since its main purpose is social in nature, you want the flooring in your living room to evoke a sense of comfort, easy maintenance and the cost factor

Also, when choosing living room flooring it is important to remember that the style of the material is going to influence the décor of the entire room.

Colour: The power of colour to influence the human subconscious has been well documented by psychologists. With living room flooring, it is important to choose colours that create a sense of comfort.

Texture: The way your flooring feels is going to be an important part of the ambiance of the entire space. Traditionally living room flooring has tended to be soft with materials such as carpet, rugs. In modern designs many living rooms will feature hard surface materials such as concrete, tiles.

Cleaning and Maintenance: Caring for flooring in the living room is going to be a constant concern. Aside from regular maintenance required to keep the flooring intact, you will also have to deal with occasional spills and stains. The more use the living room gets the more this is going to be a concern. In CONSIDERATION, hard surface materials are going to be easier to maintain and more resistant to stains.

Durability: The level of traffic in your living room is going to determine to some extent the life cycle of your floor. Many hard materials such as concrete and tiles can last for years if properly cared for. However softer materials such as carpeting and rugs may need to be replaced every few years.

Have a splendid week

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