Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Checklist for your Kitchen

Here they are....

-  Use separatecoloured cutting boards for dif­fer­ent cooked and raw foods. San­i­tize after each use.
- Wash hands thor­oughly every time after work­ing with raw foods.
- Use tast­ing spoons. Do not taste food with fin­gers or with kitchen utensils.
- Store any toxic chem­i­cals (clean­ing com­pounds and pes­ti­cides, for exam­ple) away from any food as far as pos­si­ble, to avoid cross-contamination.
- Store solid or semi-solid poten­tially haz­ardous foods so that their depth is not more than 4 inches to ensure prompt chill­ing and safe stor­age. After the food is prop­erly chilled, you can store it in con­tain­ers that will take up less space.
- Make a hand sink eas­ily acces­si­ble, sup­plied with soap and paper towels.
- Wrap, cover, label and date foods that are stored in refrig­er­a­tors, freez­ers and clearly mark shelves in dry stor­age areas. The best way to label prod­uct and shelves are avail­able from Check em out.
- Use wip­ing cloths and a san­i­tiz­ing solu­tion reg­u­larly to wipe down work tables, cut­ting boards and other sur­faces that are fre­quently used for dif­fer­ent foods. Please, wash and rinse the wip­ing cloth. Also, the san­i­tiz­ing solu­tion should be changed fre­quently to prevent contamination.
- Use dry side tow­els ONLY for han­dling hot items. If you use a towel that is even slightly moist, the mois­ture in the towel and the heat from the pan cre­ates steam that can quickly burn the hand that removes a hot pan from an oven, caus­ing injury to the hand, pos­si­bly drop­ping the hot pan, ruining the food and cause waste and delays of food going out. That, can affect the effi­ciency of the line. Noooo good!

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